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Witness extremely simple and automated pricing solution with regard to the choice of accommodation unit such as hotel, private apartment, boat cabin or some other form of accommodation.

Purchase price lists

Easy recording of accommodation capacities and purchase prices of all contents agreed with the owner of the accommodation facility with regard to, season, commission, accommodation units, types of services, promotions and surcharges.

Sales price lists – calculation

With a simple calculation system of sales price lists and capacities you will be able to form:

  • unique sales price lists
  • price lists for different markets
  • price lists adapted to business partners

This is a mechanism that automates calculations and instantly forms sales price lists from purchase prices. The purchase price list is formed in the sales price list according to the parameters of your choosing, be it commission of the hotel, the exchange rate or your margin.


No more worries – the record of accommodation bookings in the system can be managed in several ways:

  • by input from your employee
  • directly from our web system
  • via the API system

In addition to booking accommodation, the buyer can order other products that you offer such as excursions, transfers or tickets. When forming a booking, the system automatically generates sales amounts according to previously defined sales price lists and performs a check, after which the availability of accommodation capacities is updated.
At any time, it is possible to record and check the status of all current bookings – from those active to canceled, partially paid or fully paid. In addition, at any time you are provided with an updated insight into the availability of accommodation facilities, as well as the possibility of managing them.
By forming a booking, all the necessary data for the realization of services are automatically prepared, ie vouchers are created, passengers are added to rooming lists and recorded in the system for the preparation and realization of transfers (dispatching ).


Customer documentation

All output documentation for the customer is available in one place, and at the same time, it is possible to start the automatic creation of documents from the recorded bookings at any time, including:

  • offers
  • contracts
  • pro-forma invoices
  • confirmations/invoices for received advances
  • invoices

Also, before creating any of the mentioned documents, the language in which the content of the document will be printed can be selected.

Realization of services from the booking

Thanks to the practical system for creating all the documentation necessary for the realization of the product, before the arrival of the guest at the destination all operational documents necessary for the guest to use the reserved services are automatically formed from the system without complications and delays (vouchers, flights, transfers, rooming lists, records of requests for transfer of passengers forwarded to the system for handling of passenger transport…)
Modern system for realization of passenger transport (dispatching) enables daily insight into arrivals and departures of guests and combining and forming transfer orders for passengers forwarded to carriers.

Finance and accounting

In addition to ensuring constant access to the records of all financial documents, advances and invoices, the system creates them according to predefined schemes for posting to any financial accounting system you use.

Reports and statistics

The automated system provides the possibility of instant insight into the data records of data on all physical and financial business indicators such as reports on:

  • status  of leased, occupied and available accommodation capacities (booking)
  • number of overnight stays
  • number of passengers
  • number of bookings, total booking amount and paid advances and invoices

Views include searching by a whole range of conditions: by a partner, hotel, period, by type of service, customer country or by year, and much more.

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